Buying an Air Rifle
Air Rifle Code of Practice
It is estimated that there are over six million air rifles
in England and Wales, the vast majority of which are used in a safe and
responsible manner. This code offers guidance to those who shoot with them. It
does not apply in Northern Ireland or Scotland where firearms laws are very
1. Introduction
It is estimated that there are over six million air rifles
in England and Wales, the vast majority of which are used in a safe and
responsible manner. This code offers guidance to those who shoot with them. It
does not apply in Northern Ireland or Scotland where firearms laws are very different.
High standards underpin public and political support for
shooting, now and in the future.
The code provides advice at two levels:
Advice that must be followed in order to deliver sustainable
shooting – unless otherwise stated the term ‘must’ only applies to meeting the
standards set by this Code of Practice and does not refer to a legal
Advice that should be followed in order to achieve Best
Practice, any deviation from which would need justification.
Always know where the muzzle of your air rifle is pointing
and NEVER point it in an unsafe direction.
The safe conduct of air rifle shooting must meet the
standards described in this code, show respect for the countryside, due regard
to health and safety and consideration for others.
Before you shoot, make sure that a safe backstop is present
to capture the pellet.
Consider live quarry; do not shoot beyond the bounds of your
ability. Do not take chance shots.
REMEMBER – ignorance of the law is no excuse. If in doubt,
always ask.
2. Behavior in the
BASC promotes and insists on safe and sensible behaviour by
all shooters in all disciplines. By acting on these points you will reassure
shooters and non-shooters alike that you can be trusted with an air rifle.
Always check with the landowner, in good time, if you want
to go shooting.
Always confirm with the landowner what quarry you may shoot.
Always respect the owner’s property, crops, livestock and
fences and follow the Countryside Code.
Always treat an air rifle as though it is loaded and keep
its muzzle pointing in a safe direction.
On picking up or being handed an air rifle, check
immediately to ensure it is not loaded e.g. that it is un-cocked and that there
is no pellet in the breech. Be particularly careful when checking pre-charged
pneumatic air rifles.
Before you fire your rifle, consider where the pellet could
go. Be sure that no damage can result if you miss your intended target.
Always bear in mind the possibility of a ricochet.
Never put down a loaded air rifle or leave it unattended.
Use of a sound moderator can minimise disturbance to
wildlife, livestock and other countryside users.
Remember that all shooters will be judged by your actions
and ensure that your conduct is always above reproach. Encourage the same
attitude in your shooting companions.
Above all, be safe and be sensible.
3. What You Can Shoot
Target shooting
There are numerous clubs catering for this growing sport
throughout England and Wales, and they can offer great help and shooting
opportunities to both the novice and the experienced shooter alike. You will
find contact details on the BASC website in the airgun section.
If you want to practise on your own premises you must have
an effective backstop. This may be an adequate soft soil bank, without stones,
or a brick wall on which an old piece of carpet can be hung to prevent
ricochets. Do not use chipboard, plywood or any thick composite material with a
polished surface, as there is a risk of ricochet.
Remember that you can be prosecuted if any pellet goes
beyond your land, whether it is directly fired or an accidental ricochet.
Live quarry shooting
Many people shoot live quarry, either on their own land or
where they have permission. The species which you can shoot are limited by the
law and by the effective power of an air rifle.
All wild birds are protected, and although there are seasons
when you can legally shoot game, and certain wildfowl, they are not suitable
quarry for air rifles. However, as long as you are complying with firearms law,
you can shoot certain pest bird species. These are covered by general licences
which, in simple terms, mean you can shoot the birds listed, provided you have
the landowner’s permission and provided you are doing it for one of the reasons
allowed by the licence.
These reasons
to prevent serious damage (e.g. to crops and livestock) or
to prevent disease
to protect and conserve flora and fauna
to preserve public health or safety
The general licences vary by Country and are annually
reviewed, so BASC recommends that anyone wishing to take these species should
regularly read BASC’s advice on general licences, which is available online at
You can shoot mammal pests at any time provided you have the
landowner’s permission. Air rifles are suitable for: brown rats, grey
squirrels, stoats, mink and rabbits.
Respect for the
Always shoot well within your capabilities. Practise on
targets, never on live quarry, to establish the maximum range at which you and
your rifle can consistently hit the point of aim that will ensure a clean kill;
this is usually the head, and normally has a maximum diameter of about three
centimetres (1¼ Inches). Practise regularly to improve your shooting and
stalking skills.
Make sure you know where the kill zone is for each species
that you are going to hunt. For mammals, the side -on head shot should be the
preferred shot placement. For birds, head shots are effective but difficult
because the target area is very small and rarely remains still. Shots to the
breast or body cavity give a bigger target area but remember that dense
feathers or a crop full of grain will limit the pellet’s effectiveness. The
area under the wing is a good place to aim for.
You should zero your rifle and sights (check their correct
alignment) before starting any hunt; usually a rifle scope will come with
instructions; otherwise there are many books which explain the principles.
It is your responsibility to be able to recognise your
quarry and know when and where you may shoot it. Never shoot unless you have
positively identified your quarry.
Wounded quarry should be despatched quickly to minimise
suffering, either with a second shot or a sharp blow to the base of the skull.
Be particularly careful when dispatching wounded rodents as they can bite and
scratch with a risk of serious infection.
DO NOT TOUCH RATS. They may carry fatal diseases, so you
should lift them with a fork or shovel.
At the end of the day
Always leave your shoot in the condition in which you would
like to find it. Make sure that you collect all your equipment. It is courteous
to thank the landowner and to offer him something from the bag if you have shot
any edible quarry. Take care of your edible quarry – remember it is food, store
it in a cool place and never waste it.
Non-edible quarry should be disposed of discreetly,
carefully and should not create a health hazard. This is a legal requirement.
Under most circumstances deep burial beyond the reach of a carnivorous animal
would be appropriate.
The displaying of carcasses on fences or on a gamekeeper’s “gibbet” serves no useful purpose and may offend other countryside users.
4. The Air Rifle
Always ensure that your air rifle is powerful enough to
achieve a clean kill of your chosen quarry and do not attempt a shot of more
than 30 metres. Generally the ideal power level is just over 11 ft lb (15J).
For an air rifle that is more powerful than 12 ft lb, (16.25J) you must have a
firearm certificate.
Never shoot at partially obscured quarry or shoot at quarry
which could escape into cover before it can be retrieved. For example, do not
shoot rabbits which are less than two metres from their burrow.
Certain types of air rifle are more suitable for hunting
than others. Avoid those air rifles which take excessive time to charge, load
and fire. Repeating air rifles give an immediate second shot which is always an
advantage. All air rifles must be well maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. If in doubt, consult your local dealer.
Choose pellets which are designed for hunting. These will
produce a cleaner kill than those which are intended for target shooting. Check
every pellet before loading to ensure that it is not damaged or deformed.
5. Care and
Take care of your gun; it is built to precise standards and
damage or mistreatment can seriously affect its performance and safety.
Do not attempt to strip an air rifle without having the
proper tools, facilities and knowledge to do so safely. Many air rifles contain
powerful springs which can cause serious injury if released in an uncontrolled
manner. After shooting, ensure your air rifle is dry and free from dirt before
storing it.
Metalwork may benefit from a wipe down with a lightly oiled
rag or a silicone cloth. The barrel should be cleaned using a proper barrel
cleaning kit, and again lightly oiled. Only use the correct lubricants in
accordance with the rifle manufacturer’s instructions. Always carefully wipe
the oil from the bore before shooting.
6. Law
The law makes no distinction between air rifles and more
powerful guns for which you need a licence – they are all classed as firearms.
This means that any offence you commit can carry a very heavy penalty, and
there are at least 38 different offences. Following this code will help you to
keep on the right side of the law, but, if you have any doubt, seek advice from
BASC ( or your local police firearms licensing department.
18 years or older
If you are 18 years or older there are no restrictions on buying an air rifle and ammunition, and you can use it wherever you have permission to shoot.
14 – 17 years
borrow an air rifle and ammunition
use an air rifle, without supervision, on private premises
where you have permission
buy or hire an air rifle, or ammunition, or receive one as a
gift. Your air rifle and ammunition must be bought and looked after by someone
over 18 – normally your parent, guardian or some other responsible adult.
have an air rifle in a public place unless you are
supervised by somebody aged 21 or over, and you have a reasonable excuse to do
so (for example, while on the way to a shooting ground).
Under 14 years
use an air rifle under supervision on private premises with
permission from the occupier – normally the owner or tenant. The person who
supervises you must be at least 21 years old.
buy, hire or receive an air rifle or its ammunition as a
gift, or shoot, without adult supervision. Parents or guardians who buy an air
rifle for use by someone under 14 must exercise control over it at all times,
even in the home or garden.
It is illegal to sell an air rifle or ammunition to a person
under 18 years of age.
Where you can shoot
Where you intend to shoot, always ensure that you are authorised
by the landowner or person with the sporting rights and that you know precisely
where the boundaries are. Get permission in writing, if possible, to remove any
Whenever you are in a public place you should carry the
rifle in a gun cover and always ensure that it is unloaded and not cocked.
From February 2011, the Crime and Security Act 2010 makes it
an offence for a person in possession of an air gun to fail to take “reasonable
precautions” to prevent someone under the age of 18 from gaining unauthorised
access to it.
The legal advice contained within this publication remains
unchanged e.g. 14 -17 year olds may still use air guns unsupervised on private
premises where they have permission etc.
For further advice about reasonable precautions for storing
air guns not in use please contact BASC or see for a copy of
our fact sheet ‘Young People and Airguns’.
Intentionally going on to private land, or water, where you
do not have permission is trespassing, and if you are carrying an air rifle it
becomes armed trespass. Whether the gun is loaded or not, or whether you are
carrying pellets, is irrelevant – armed trespass is a serious criminal offence
carrying heavy penalties.
Only shoot where you have the permission of the landowner or
Firing pellets beyond your boundary
It is an offence to fire an air rifle pellet beyond the land
where you have permission to shoot, unless the person holding the shooting
rights of the neighbouring land has given you permission. Where someone under
14 is shooting, both the young person and the supervising adult can be
It is also against the law to discharge any firearm
(including air rifles) within 50 feet of the centre of a highway (which
consists of or comprises a carriageway) IF in consequence a user of the highway
is injured, interrupted or endangered. These offences could be committed, for
example, when someone is shooting in their garden close to a public highway and
the pellets ricochet onto the highway injuring someone.
7. How do I know I am
Shooting Safely?
BASC has a simple assessment carried out by accredited
assessors called the Airgun Safe Shot Award. It is not a test of competence.
The assessment takes just 20 minutes and can be done at a game fair or
organised by you anywhere in England and Wales. To find out more about the
Airgun Safe Shot Award please contact BASC Training and Education department on
01244 573018.
If you require an airgun coaching lesson or want to learn
more about shooting sports contact your local BASC Accredited Airgun Coach.
Details of your nearest coach can be found on the BASC website.
8. Insurance
It is advisable to have adequate legal liability (third
party) insurance when shooting. Membership of BASC currently provides such
9. Further Information -This information is available on the BASC Website
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